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Category: Digital Marketing


31 August 2023
Here’s How Voice Search Will Impact the Search Engine Scenarios

Over the last few years, there has been a drastic change in how users search for information online. The availability of smart devices and new speech recognition technology has revolutionised the process of accessing search engines. We have shifted from the conventional method of typing our search queries. Instead, today we prefer to input our …

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27 August 2023
6 Best Tips to Make Your Business Website Much More Impactful

With digital marketing replacing conventional marketing practices, websites have become the foremost tool to promote a business. It acts as the face of your business and does the job of bringing in more potential customers. Your prospective clients can learn about your services, products and other details through the website. Needless to say, an attractive …

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18 August 2023
5 Best Ways to Improve Your Brand’s Conversion Rates with Engaging UX

A Gartner report of 2020 stated 80% of all B2B sales interactions will occur via digital channels by 2020. The website UX needs to be top-notch to convert more visitors into loyal customers. More engaging business websites tend to hold visitors’ attention leading to improved customer engagement. This promotes higher conversion rates or, in other …

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03 August 2023
Google Penalised Your Website? 5 Easy Steps for Google Blacklist Removal

Google is constantly working to ensure a safe surfing experience. Every website on Google needs to follow Webmaster Guidelines. Any breach could potentially lead to the site being penalised and blacklisted. You might be working really hard on the SEO. Yet you may see the site ranking or traffic going down. Chances are it is …

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26 April 2023
Top Reasons Why Online Reviews are Crucial for Businesses and Customers

Rapid digitisation has brought drastic changes in how customers and businesses interact with each other. Today customers tend to provide feedback or a review on the products they buy or services they avail. According to research by BrightLocal (2022), three out of four customers said they left an online review for a business. Online reviews …

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